Latest Womens issues
- Working Middle Aged Women
- Role of Mothers in Shapping Up Carriers of Girls
- Women Professionals from Home Science Background
- Urban Women; Common Disturbing and Stress Factors; An analysis
- Usage of Mobile Phones by Urban Women; An Analysis
- Advertisements on Television: Women's Representation; An Analysis
Working Middle Aged Women
From the beginning of civilisation, women have been doing / contributing in household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing, caring and raising children . In addition, many of them also worked in agricultural fields, making handicrafts and doing other tasks as per the local, regional and cultural practices as well as per family needs and requirements .In the beginning of this century a very small percentage of people in India had formal education as neither it was required, nor there were sufficient educational Institutions. Majority of people could not even afford to join the established institutions. Families who could afford and manage preferred to provide this opportunity to their sons. With the Industrialisation and Modernisation after the independence, a strong need was felt for formal education and training, leading to opening of a number of schools and colleges almost all over India in a phased manner .With the passage of time , planners also realised that for the overall progress of nation , half the population i.e. women cannot be ignored and their education and empowerment is equally important. Subsequently there was a positive change in the attitude of people and girls were also encouraged to get formal education at higher levels. As many women got formal and technical education they started entering the job market in almost all the sectors be it education and training , health , fashion designing , factories , banks ,law, services ,and Children's Issues mes . They have been very successful in all the fields but at the same time are facing a number of challenges to balance their home and outside work life .Considering this, a small scale survey was done by the author to study various aspects of their working.
The main objectives of the survey were to study:Reasons of joining formal jobs by women outside their homes and attitude of their parents, in-laws and other family members towards it.
Achievements and regrets of doing outside job (if any).
Challenges faced at home and outside while in service.
The information has been grouped under the following categories;
Profile of the working women; age, family structure, qualifications, and service period.
Reasons of joining service and challenges faced by the women, their achievements, regret of doing service and plans after retirement.
The purposive method of sampling was used. The group selected for the survey belonged to middle income group (MIG) and women who initially joined as clerks, teachers (primary and middle school teacher), investigators, of which, some have graduated up to the level of officers, deputy directors, general managers and principals. Respondents also included women working with Research and Training Institutes, working for the welfare of women and children. The sample selected was from urban cities of north India. The survey did not include women who joined as officers, doctors, engineers and administrators at the entry levels.
Profile of the participants
The sample size comprised of 40 respondents.
Out of the total 40 participants, 20 participants (50%) were in the age group of 46-50 years , thirteen (32.5%) were in the age group of 51-55 and seven respondents were above the age of 56 years (17.5 %).
Qualifications of the Respondents; majority of the participants 21 (52.5%) had post-graduation degree along with B.Ed.( Bachelor in Education ) ,16 (40%)graduate, two (5%) had doctoral degree and one( 2.5%) was undergraduate.
Present designations; majority 19 (47.5% ) were teachers followed by academicians, research scholars and trainers 10 ( 25% ). Five ( 12.5% )were in banks as managers and officers and six( 15% ) were working as administrative staff, office attendants , upper division clerks and librarian .
Experience in years :
Ten ( 25% ) respondents had experience of less than 20 years , 14 ( 35% ) between the age group 21-25 yrs , seven ( 17.5% ) between 26 -30 and nine (22.5%) had experience of31-40 years.
Reasons of still working (at the time of data collection);
Multiple responses were received .Reasons cited by the women were financial by 23 (57.5%), to pass time and to remain away from family politics 15 (37.5%) ,one (2.5%) said to complete 20 years of service , take financial benefits after retirements and to grow professionally. And one(2.5%) did not respond.
Reasons for joining and continuing service
Multiple responses were indicated for joining and continuing service. The main reasons of joining job was financial25 (62.5%) followed by “to show ones worth” and grow professionally 15 (37. 5%) Other reasons cited were to pass time, to keep one constructively busy, to gain some experience and exposure, to remain away from family politics and to make friends circle.
Attitude of In-laws /husband /family members towards working women
Initially in-laws and husbands were positive towards their joining service in majority of cases 26 (65%) and it was negative in case of 4 (10%) . It was negative initially and positive now as said by one woman (2.5%).Six women (15 %) did not mention. In the case of 3 (7.5%) it was not applicable as they were either unmarried /or joined later living separately.
Planning for the retirement and there after
Majority of the women 30(75%) said that they would like to retire on superannuation, while remaining had not decided. Regarding any plans to work after retirement, 17 (42.5%) said that they want to work even after retirement. Horticulture, finance, insurance etc were cited as few fields . Other responses were teaching / coaching to children, doing some sort of social work like helping disabled /old people, developing some hobbies like gardening, painting, music etc.
Problems/difficulties faced during early years
At the work place difficulties were faced like, tiredness due to remaining in standing position for long hours , tiring and strenuous job , had to walk for long distances to reach at work place ,too many children in the class ( as mentioned by respondent teachers of government schools ), staff politics , long working hours in case of office ( 9 AM to 5. 30PM) , more work less salary as reported by private school teachers , In a few cases had to work even after office hours, late night duties / shifts etc .
Many women refused promotions or better job opportunities primarily due to family and kids, did not want to leave their parents alone. In the case of bank employees the main reason for refusing promotion was lack of confidence in handling additional administrative and managerial responsibilities and avoiding too much work.
Problems/Difficulties faced at the home
Majority of the women said that they did not face any difficulties. Those who responded in affirmation gave multiple responses .The problems cited were issues such as tension from the workplace was carried to home affecting their personal life , family politics in the cases where they were staying in joint families affecting mental peace and personality of child, taking care of old in-laws , overworked and unable to take work pressure both at home and work place , physical/health problems , lack of motivation and enthusiasm, no support at home by family member , no time for herself .Children had to be kept alone at home or kept in crèches, financial problems in the beginning, , husband and wife could not spend quality time with children due to paucity of time ,missed growing years of children, difficulties in arranging caretaker for children .
Problems faced at work place at the time of data collection;
Seventeen ( 42.5%) respondents said that they are facing problems at the work place . The problems cited were attitude of male colleagues towards women gender bias ( they do not want women to grow professionally as that will block male employees promotion chances to reach at higher level ) , lack of incentives (promotions , perks and appreciation ) , working conditions as in the case of teachers they had to stand for long hours and large number of children in each class. With age physical stamina depletes resulting in health problems ,distance of work place , lack of proper transport, and double duties at home and office .All these factors increases stress level .
Reasons of working now :
the main reasons of working at the time of data collection were financial, to pass time as all major responsibilities are over(children have grown up) ,to grow professionally , to remain away from family politics ,and to complete 20 years of service and take retirements benefits .
How has working outside changed their life
Majority 38 (95%) were of the opinion that doing job outside has benefited them. The responses included financial independence, improved standard of living, and more reach and accessibility to assets .They could afford better clothes and accessories, were able to send their children to better schools and could afford better facilities. Most of the women felt that they developed confidence to face the world and their self esteem improved. Their personality improved and they got more respect from the society. They could move in higher economic circles . Women also felt that they were engaged in fruitful activities and contributed in society. They got exposed to outside world and could visit various places and meet many people. They were mentally satisfied that they could manage the frontsie home as well as work and their managerial and organizational capacity has improved.
Only two respondents (5%) were not happy about their working outside and regret doing double duties ., The main reasons given were ; social life was restricted due to paucity of time and energy , had to do double duties which affected their health (both mental and physical strain), could not enjoy growing years of their children, could not spend time on themselves like having proper breakfast before going to office , less time for personal care and hygiene , grooming and dressing , not able to sit and talk with near and dear ones .
Types of achievements :
Multiple responses were received; They achieved financial security -eight( 20%) , fruitful engagements - two ( 5%) , job made them a strong person -nine(22.5%),was provided exposure to outside world- five( 12.5% ), enjoyment- two( 5% ), visited various places -one ( 2.5% ), respect in the society -one ( 2.5% ), independent- two( 5% ), children were given good values- four ( 10% ), worked with sincerity and dignity- one ( 2.5% ),good family with good lifestyle -one ( 2.5% ), and supported husband -one (2.5%) .
Adjustment affect :
Twenty (50%) said that they had to make adjustments to cope at both the fronts . few responses were had mental strain and stress , physical exertion , psychological (guilt feeling like not able to give sufficient time to family particularly children ) and regretted doing double duties .
Adjustments that had to be made :
The responses included ; leaving late from home by nine(22.5%) , spending more money on and taking a fast mode o f transport by 12 (30%),ignoring scolding’s and sarcastic remarks of–elders / in laws by nine (22.5%) ,taking gifts and sweets etc for children to please / compensate by eight (20%) ,had to develop more loving and sensitive attitude to keep children happy by one (2.5%) and spending as much time as possible with the family whenever possible was cited by one (2.5%)
Priorities earlier and now
During earlier years for almost all the respondents 36(90%) their home and family /children were more important; only four (10%) said that they gave importance to themselves and their job . At the time of data collection, majority of women said that now family and children do not demand too much attention as things have streamlined. Therefore, for 18 (45% ) their job has taken priority and now they give more importance to themselves including their health, diet , physical fitness etc.
Responsibilities shared by the family
Some of the responses were helping in House hold work like cooking ,cleaning utensils and washing clothes by 13 (32.5%),help in children related like dropping children to school and fetching them back , attending PTA ( parent-teacher meetings), taking children out ,helping children in their studies by six (15%),Helping in miscellaneous activities like taking dog out for walks, paying for household related bills ,getting vegetables and groceries etc from the market. Providing moral support by two (5%).
*The survey was conducted in the year 2010 . ** Author ; Nirmal Tikku , ex Deputy director NIPCCD .