Usage of Mobile Phones by Urban Women; an Analysis*

Earlier families used to be large and joint family culture was there. There used to be conversations amongst family members related to day today activities. Sharing information on even small issues was common. In the present scenario there is increasing trend of nuclear / small families in which every member is busy with herself / himself. There is much indulgence in individual and self-centred activities. More attention and importance is given to friends rather than close relatives. A lot of time is spent on watching programmes on Television and net. There is less interaction amongst family members. Sometimes people intentionally talk less to other family members to avoid unpleasantness, quarrels because of pre occupation, irritable behaviour of other person, short temperedness, lack of patience, too much sophistication as people hesitate discussing smaller things. With the invention of mobile phones, conversations within family have been replaced to people outside. Mobile phones have become an important and inseparable gadget and has become all most as anecessity. Use of mobile phones are unlimited and by and large has made lives of people easy and comfortable. But for many lives comes to stand still if their phone set is not with them or is out of order.

Objective of article;

To discuss usage of mobile phones by middle class urban women and its uses and limitations.

In India extensive and large-scale use of mobiles by common middle-class people started around the year 2000. Initially men and women who were working outside and could afford started itsuse. Gradually other groups like youth, older people, domestic helps,shop keepers, drivers, beauticians, couriers and delivery boys, almost each and every person working outside started using it.Now all categories are using it and there are very few people in urban areas who don’t have mobile phones. For senior citizens it has become a very good company to pass time as well as to remain in touch with outside world. Use of land lines has become almost negligible and many people have disconnected their land lines numbers.

Initial Reasons of Buying by Women;

As a necessity to keep in touch with families, particularly those women who were working outside,talk to friends, colleagues, to monitor work, to do business, correspondence and purchases. Now a days the main mode of communication are only mobile phones. Conversation on phones may range from few seconds to many hours. Checking messages on phones varies from once a day to several times a day. The topics of conversation and messaging depends on the person her professional status and age. Women usually discuss and exchange information as per their interest and requirements on the topics to enhance knowledge, national and international politics,films, current affairs, politics in the family, domestic problems and children's issues. The craze for latest mobile phone sets,covers, designer covers isvery common. women also like to buy expensive sets with latest features. Some keep two or more phone numbers for different purposes. Changing mobile phone sets has become a regular feature with some women. Companies lure people with new mobiles having advanced features that may range from few hundreds to several lakhs. Cheaper ones have limited features and are usually used for voice call,normal calls and for messages. Common reasons of purchasing expensive phones are for better for features, to show off, group pressure, or for satisfaction of having a high standard and quality gadget. It has been observed that people even from lower income groups want to buy and gift expensive mobile phones. Different categories / groups in mobiles are formed for example;for immediate / close family members, larger family / extended family, friends, college friends, schools friends / senior citizens, kitty party, travel and tours, tuition/ coaching / students,associations , office people, Sales / marketing, and groups formed for specific purposes like marriages , parties, social functions or any other .

Advantages of Mobile Phones;

Different apps are downloaded and used for various purposes as per the individual's requirements.

  1. Mobile phones can be carried anywhere.

  2. Instant exchange of information through written messages, phone call, voice messages, and video calls etc. can be done.

  3. Detailed exchange of information / correspondence can be done through email in minutes. Information can be shared with many people in one go. Smart phones can function as a computer. It has almost replaced the paper work.

  4. Any type of Information can be searched on the search features / apps.

  5. Has become an important,useful and necessary tool for even senior citizen women for their safety, security as also to pass time.

  6. Young children and their parents can get connected via various apps groups to make friends, play circles, education groups etc.

  7. Use for road map, to know places of traffic jams while travelling. Is becoming useful to avoid time and fuel wastage.

  8. Ordering food, medicines through mobile are becoming a common practice.

  9. Transport/ travel bookings for rail,bus,taxi, air booking can be done easily.

  10. Information about places, monuments, countries,and people can be obtained in minutes.

  11. Health status/ health reports can be availed from testing labs. Also acts as a health guide. Doctor's appointments can be taken and they can also be consulted via video calls. In the difficult times like Covid pandemic when people were confined to their homes, mobile phones were the main source of communication amongst different groups of people to help each other …. Whether connecting with Doctors or asking for emergency help in cities or villages. It also connected people with hospitals which had availability of beds or not.

  12. Can be used as a time-clock, alarm, Hindu and English calendars and others.

  13. Is used to know weather forecast of any city / country in the world.

  14. Local, regional, national and international level news can be watched/ known instantly. Latest happenings in the world can be seen in seconds. It has almost replaced the hard copy of newspapers.

  15. Ticket bookings for movies, matches, shows and other programmes can be done easily.

  16. Payments of bills like electricity, water, gas,telephones, mobiles, house tax and any others can be done easily.

  17. Transfer of money from people to people and from bank to bank can be done in minutes.

  18. E- shopping /online shopping …one can choose any item from a vast variety and varied prise range and get it delivered at their place of choice. Online Purchasing is very convenient for people who are too busy or are unable to go outside due to busy schedule or otherwise.

  19. Downloaded games on mobiles are very common.

  20. Now a days most of the phones have cameras, both still and video. Many Women develop interest in photography and share pictures and videos of recipes, ceremonies, functions, meetings, events, nature scenery, animal kingdom and post on social media. A large number of photographs and videos can be stored in mobiles depending upon its capacity.

  21. One can watch cartoons, movies, videos and matches anytime, anywhere.

  22. Can be used as a calculator, diary, and also as reminder.

  23. Most of the phones can do voice recording. Many women who have hobby of singing, record their songs and share with people.

  24. Mobile phones having compass features are used to know directions while travelling.

  25. Information on Government Programmes and subsidies available for people can be availed on phones. Money / subsidy can be directly transferred to concerned person through various features uploaded on mobiles phones.

  26. Information on literature, economic affairs, social issues, history, culture, and researches or on any topic can be obtained.

  27. Online banking can easily be done as mobile numbers are linked with the bank’s accounts.

  28. Employment opportunitiescan be searched.

  29. Can listen songs, religious music,speeches. One can listen anything anywhere using head phones without disturbing others. People walking / jogging with head phones is a very common sight in parks.

  30. People particularly Women who don't have much social life and don’t go out for work get all the latest updates in minutes while sitting at homes.

  31. Can monitor home / office activities from distant places through cameras and messaging and calls.

  32. Self-employed people and entrepreneurs,start-ups can get boosts in their business by advertising directly to concerned people/ groups and through website.

  33. Learning through on line (studies, music, dance, dramas, yoga) has become easy.

  34. One Can remain in touch withthe peoplefor day today dealings like washer man /press walla(person doing ironing of clothes),sweeper, shop keeper, gardeners.

  35. A lot of information can be stored depending upon the capacity of the mobile set.

To summarise it can be said that, Mobiles have become a necessity of life and its usages are unlimited.

Limitations /Side effects / Disadvantages;

  1. Mobile / Internet addiction is becoming very common. Continuous use for long hours can cause health issues (both mental and physical). Studies have shown that deafness,decrease in concentration, decrease in retention power,uneasiness, irritability and lack of patience and exhaustion is common amongst people who are using mobiles too much. Unlimited use only for entertainment also causes wastage of time and one neglects important tasks, duties and time required to be spent with relations. Continuous talking on phone can also sometimes cause loss of self-confidence. Person may find it difficult to talk face to face.

  2. There are chances of over indulgence in online shopping / E. purchases. As things are easily available, one can see many options on discounted prices, there are chances of getting into the habit of unnecessary shopping and many women become shopaholics. Purchasing and returning becomes a regular habit that causes wastage of money, time and energy, also loss of mental peace and becomes a cause of frustrations and guilt.

  3. Some people keep track of each other related to timings of their mobile usage through various features available on phones.

  4. Many women have habit of talking for long hours at home, at work place,at public places with loud voice disturbing others.

  5. Taking selfies using mobile phone is a craze. There are always risks of accidents while taking selfies, if one is not careful.

  6. Sometimes phone calls are received at odd times disturbing one’s activities and routine.

  7. Difficult to remember long mobile phone numbers and addresses of other people that are stored in mobiles.

  8. Too much dependency on phones has increased. It becomes a great loss and a cause of inconvenience if phone is lost or personal data and other information is stolen.

  9. For many women using mobile becomes an additional expenditure.

  10. Instant responses; approval and disapproval of messages can become a cause of unpleasantness and misunderstanding. For some mobiles become a tool of catharsis …they take out their frustrations and anger while replying on messages.

  11. Sometimes mobile becomes a source of misinformation / incorrect information / misleading information / factually incorrect information. Forwarding to other people fake information may create unrest if people don't cross check.

  12. Dependency on mobile phones has increased and one feels insecure and helpless without her mobile phone.

Communications through messages on mobiles do not show actual position on the other side as real situations are usually not discussed.


  1. Judicious use of mobile, particularly those who are using it too much. Sometimes people get addicted to clicking unlimited photos and forwarding to others.

  2. Keep limited and only important groups. Keep a check on the messages being forwarded in large groups.

  3. Forwarding messages only after verifying and cross checking.

  4. Be careful while using mobiles on roads. Better to avoid it to prevent accidents. Also avoid talking on mobile while driving.

  5. One should be very careful doing bank transition to avoid frauds.

  6. Over charging may destroy batteries and sometimes there is danger of explosion.

  7. Regularly deleting unnecessary pictures, videos and messages to keep storage space in the phones.

  8. Report fraudulent calls and messages immediately to concerned authority.

  9. While speaking on phone one must ensure that other people are not disturbed.

*Nirmal Tikku ,Ex Deputy Director, NIPCCD, New Delhi